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FoliPrime – Hair Growth Supplement is a revolutionary product that treats the underlying reason for hair loss.


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About FoliPrime

A recent study from a renowned US university has proven without doubt that hair loss is caused by a toxic scalp buildup, made from the chemicals and preservatives used in shampoos, food and the environment.

This buildup covers the scalp like a tarp, suffocating the follicles, quickly leading to hair thinning and shedding.

FoliPrime dropper not only eliminates this toxic buildup, but it also nourishes the scalp, helps the hair grow faster and strengthens the existing hairs.

It provides clear results regardless of age, health condition or genetic predisposition.

The result

No more frail, thinning hair, no more hair loss, and no more dandruff and scalp irritation. Instead enjoy thick, strong, shiny, and healthy hair, which you can style however you want, without fearing that you might damage it.

How do I know if FoliPrime is right for me?

As breakthrough research and studies have shown, balding is caused by the toxic buildup caused by the chemicals and preservatives used in shampoos. It covers your entire scalp like a cloth, suffocating your hair follicles, causing a gradual hair loss until complete baldness.
FoliPrime has been created to wipe up any trace of chemicals and toxins from your scalp and hair follicles and to speed up the hair regrow process.

Is FoliPrime safe? Does it have any side effects or does it interact with other medication?

FoliPrime has been designed for all ages and medical conditions in order to naturally support your body’s hair-growth system. FoliPrime has high-quality natural ingredients, manufactured in an FDA-approved facility, under sterile, strict and precise standards. Each of the ingredients that goes into FoliPrime is tested for purity and to ensure against toxins and contaminants. As always, if you currently have a medical condition or you’re taking other prescription medication, we advise you to show a bottle of this supplement to your doctor before you take it, just to put your mind at ease.

What’s the best way to use FoliPrime?

Put 20 drops of this oil in your palm, and with the other hand, gently dip a soft toothbrush into the formula. Start to apply it on your scalp with circular motions and at the roots of your hair.




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