Eat Stop Eat: Progressions – By Brad Pilon (Author)

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Eat Stop Eat: Progressions

Digital Edition Pre-Release

What would you say if I told you your workout is insane? Let me explain…

Albert Einstein is famous for defining insanity something like this: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

And that’s what most folks are doing when it comes to exercise. They do the same number of sets and reps at the same weight for weeks or even months.

Listen: it’s not your fault. I know you want to put in the work and get the rewards. Yet if you’re like most folks I know you struggle to increase the weights you’re putting on the bar or the weight stack. The problem is…

There’s a fundamental flaw in exercise programs that guarantees we all fail

Unless you’re one of the genetic freaks who just has to look at a dumbbell to get leaner and stronger, there’s no way you can make any significant progress with the common exercise advice like “do 3 sets of 12” that you’re going to get from a trainer or a fitness magazine. Here’s why…


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