Good Belly, Bad Belly – By Brad Pilon (Author)

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Obesity Toxins: The REAL Reason Food Makes You Fat & Sick.

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Good Belly, Bad Belly

Digital Edition Pre-Release

Are The Foods You Eat Triggering Health-Harming “Obesity Toxins” In Your Gut?

Did you know certain foods trigger the release of toxins right inside your digestive system? And that these toxins can actually cause weight gain, diabetes, heart disease and more?

And did you know just subtle shifts in what you eat, or even how you combine certain foods, can eliminate a huge amount of these “Obesity Toxins” from ever being released and absorbed in your body?

I’ll tell you how in a second. And I’ll shock you by revealing the one food many “experts” are now telling you to avoid that can protect you even when you make bad diet decisions. First I need to come clean…




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