The New Facts About Male Diabetes – By Brad Pilon (Author)

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Mounting Research Shows A Strong Link Between Testosterone And Type 2 Diabetes In Men.

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Mounting Research Shows A Strong Link Between Testosterone And Type 2 Diabetes In Men

It’s not news that type 2 diabetes is an epidemic. However, what you may not be hearing about is how men take the brunt of this crippling disease, and how the current methods used to treat and manage type 2 diabetes in men are simply outdated.

For example, in 2013 — it was reported that 14 million more men were affected with type 2 diabetes compared to women.

Since then, it’s just gotten worse. On the bright side, thanks to an explosion of research in the field of Male Diabetes, we now understand WHY it strikes men more than women…

In 2002, I began looking for answers to help my Dad with his diabetes. Back then, only 4 or 5 research papers existed that discussed the specific reason why more men suffer from type 2 diabetes.

However, today we have over 700 plus studies and counting.

Each of these scientific studies points to one, single, conclusive and shocking answer.

You see, many men who suffer from type 2 diabetes are actually suffering from a specific and little known subtype of type 2 diabetes that’s now being called Male Diabetes.

And correcting Male Diabetes is as simple as revitalizing a specific hormone in your body. The very hormone central to every man’s biological existence — testosterone.


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